Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Steel
Miss Stennett
Mrs Holt
Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page
Autumn 2
Welcome Back!
We hope you have had a lovely half term and have had chance to relax and spend time with family and friends. Last half term was very sucessful, the children worked hard and demonstrated all the important values and attributes that we expect of our children here at St Wilfrid's. We are looking forward to an equally exciting and sucessful Autumn 2.
The Autumn term is always a very busy one. Below is all the important information you need to know. It details the learning experiences and opportunities that will be taking place and the class page will be updated regularly so that you can see what we have been up to.
We pride ourselves on linking all of our learning to previous learning in school. This is so that our children can build upon their understanding as they go through school, building upon skills and experiences. We encourage this "Sticky Knowledge" through lots of questioning in school and lessons. This encouages our children to understand how their learning links to other aspects and also supports long term memory. We believe our children have a greater understanding of how their knowelege is built upon over time, bringing more purpose and enjoyment. We use "The Power Pyramid" to support and encourage our children to recall past learning. Our children can share what they already know from last lesson, last term and also last year.
English- We are using a number of different texts to help us to recognise the features of descriptive writing. We will then produce our own short piece of writing in which we will describe a setting
Love of Reading- We will update you on our Love of Reading books as we go.
Maths- We are focussing on addition and subtraction this half term with lots of opportunities for problem solving, reasoning and fluency. We will also be looking at division and multiplication.
Science- Light and Shadows-In this unit children will explore the differences between light sources and light reflectors, and will sort these into two groups. They will be able to describe how shadows are formed and will explore the relationship between light, objects and the formation of shadows.
History- How did the lives of ancient Britons change during the Stone Age?
Geography- Why do some earthquakes cause more damage than others?
PSHE- Celebrating Achievements and Being Resilient. Relationships, Health
Design and Technology- Design, make and evaluate a range of packaging to hold different weights/
Make, bake and evaluate bread rolls, creating healthy sandwiches as a product.
Computing- Coding and using e-mail
Physical Education- Competitive Games(Net Games), Gym
Religous Education- Christmas. God with Us.
P4C- P4C involves regular classroom enquiries in which children, share a stimulus, identify concepts — such as equality, identity, truth and beauty — and formulate questions that capture what they find curious.
With the support of a teacher as facilitator, P4C participants explore these questions drawing on the perspectives of others to deepen their own understanding. P4C concludes with reflection on the process of enquiry and on the skills and dispositions that P4C develops: critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinking. During these reflections, learners also influence the direction of their next enquiry. This half term we will be formulating questions linked to celebrating achievements and being resilient, Remembrance Day, Anti-Bullying Week, Kindness Day and Christmas.
Key information
Here you will find information about the school day, class expectations and our Year 3 Curriculum.
Our school day starts at 8:45am and ends at 3:15pm. The children will be greeted in the mornings by either Mrs Steel or Miss Stennett and dismissed at the end of the day by a member of Year 3 staff.
Class Expectations
Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of fun and exciting topics.
Important Information & General Reminders
PE: Outdoor PE lessons take place on a Monday afternoon and a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child is wearing a pair of trainers or PE pumps to school on both of these days. Children are expected to arrive in school wearing their PE kits, however, we do ask that your child brings a school jumper or cardigan with them. We ask that your child dresses appropriately for the time of year eg. long sleeves and long bottoms in colder months and a short sleeved t-shirt and shorts in warmer months.
Homework: The children are encouraged to read at home every day, practice their times tables and use online learning resources such as Bug Club, Purple Mash and BBC Bitesize. The children have lots of activities to complete on Purple Mash to support their learning and we can see and mark the work as the children "hand" it in.
Reading Books: All of the children have a reading book which is brought home each evening. We ask that the children bring this into school each day as we try our best to read with the children at least once a week. Children should aim to read a book of their choice from home for 5 minutes a night.
School Diaries: Your children have a school diary which contains their reading records and also passwords for their online resources in school. If your child doesn't bring their diary into school, they may not be able to access any online learning or participate in ICT lessons. Children have lots of opportunities to read and use their diaries during the school day so it's essential they are in school everyday.
Water Bottles: This year, children are to bring in their own water bottle from home. The children are asked to take their water bottle home each night and we ask that it is washed each day and sterilised each week. Your child’s water bottle should be filled with fresh water daily.
Bug Club, Purple Mash & Times Tables Rockstars: Bug Club login details have been updated and sent home. Your child should also have their Purple Mash login from earlier in the year when Mrs Seigne sent them home during the lockdown. If you are having any trouble with passwords or logging on, please let us know and we’ll look into it for you.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Steel (Teacher), Miss Stennett (Teaching Assistant) and Mrs Holt (Teaching Assistant and Learning Mentor)
The Year 3 Team