Year 5 2024 - 2025

Mrs Staton

Mrs Kelly


Welcome from Mrs Staton

Your children are already settling in really well and we are having a lot of fun and learning lots along the way!



We will send home some work on a Friday to be completed independently or with an adult if needed, once a week in year 5. Please encourage your child to do this as it will support the work they are doing in class and will usually involve some spellings and maths.  Homework should be handed in by Wednesday the following week.  We do also ask that you encourage children to access the online resources that we have bought for them to use:   

- Times tables rockstars

- Bug club

- Education City

- Purple mash

The children have passwords and user names for all these sites.



Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children are expected to wear comfortable clothing such as leggings, tracksuit pants or shorts with a t shirt, trainers and a black school jumper over the top.  Clothing should be plain (no football tops or big brand logos) and preferably black and red. 


Water bottles:

Children should bring in their own water bottles with fresh water every day.



We will send home reading books with the children and we expect them to read with or to an adult at home five times a week for at least 10 minutes. Then they need to get their reading diary signed once a week by an adult at home to say that they have done this and hand it in to class on a Friday morning. The children must bring their book in their book bag to school every day as they will have the opportunity to read at least once a week with one of the adults in class and change their books regularly.  They will also listen to an adult read, from our class texts, once a day. 


These are some of the class texts that we will be reading this term:

Greek Myths

Room 13

Revolting Rhymes and Dirty Beasts

Read Me and Laugh


Year 5 Curriculum:

Here is a snapshot of what we are learning about in year 5 this half term:

English - Recounts, myths, narrative poetry

Maths - Fractions, decimals, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction

Science - Materials

French - Food and drink

Music - Jazz music

ICT - Coding

History - Trojan War and ancient Greece

Geography - Rivers

RE - Women in the Old Testament, Easter

Art - Michaelangelo

Files to Download

Year 5: News items

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Year 5: Blog items

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Year 5: Gallery items

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Year 5: Calendar items

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Working together as one; with God, all things are possible.

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Newton Heath
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"We believe St Wilfrid’s Church of England Primary School is a great place to learn and develop. We are committed to ensuring that your child’s time at St Wilfrid’s is full of fun, happiness and success.” Chair of Governors